Dry Spell
Salmon, other fish references:
Shared experiences:
If I were a salmon in a creek,
I think I would be worried if I knew what was coming
yeah, it might be a problem
I - need cool waters
Cooler than about 72 degrees
I - get into trouble
I become stressed
and vulnerable to disease
and I’ll stop migrating
Spring chinook and summer steelhead
in the rivers today
Right this minute, salmon are OK.
But if the rest of the summer stays dry,
streams will become shallower.
If we have really hot weather,
then those stream temperatures can start heading toward stressful.
The stage is set
for a relative squeeze
on cold stream flow
Cold streams serve
both rearing juveniles
and migrating adults
of many salmon populations
that come in during late summer
and early fall
I - need cool waters
Cooler than about 72 degrees
I - get into trouble
I become stressed
and vulnerable to disease
and I’ll stop migrating
July 23, 2009 12:34 PM