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My Father

Humble beginnings on the lower east side
art school during the depression
air corps
outdoors and travel
photography and painting
and jewelry and pottery
horses and a bull
home and the upper meadow farm
family and teaching
god and country
assertive and reflective
supportive and critical
quiet and persistant

G                D/F#
who could I have been today
G             D
where could I go
G            B-       B7
what might I see this way
E-          A
how would I know
you brought me face to face
with bears and crow
and showed me how to live
on rivers and snow
yes lots of snow
D/A         D/G (3x)
you hold the world
I've seen the world
I think the world
B-/F#      A
Of you
C        G/D      F#4/A   F#-/A    B-
C        G/D      D/F#     E-     A

February 2, 2006 08:45 PM